
Another option is that of e-trikes. You can choose to add a motor to your trike to make it an e-trike. Then you can easily cruise up hills or return home when you have ridden too far and are tired. You can buy a ready to ride e-trike, or you can purchase an e-bike conversion kit which you can add to your trike. I chose to add a different e-bike conversion kit to each of my two recumbent trikes.  I found the e-bike conversion kits worked well, were less expensive than an e-trike from a dealer, and were easy to install. 

Motors for trikes can be either a hub motor in the wheel, or a mid-drive motor near the crankset. There are pros and cons to each type of motor. A hub motor allows you to motor home without pedaling if you like. Hub motors have two types, direct drive and geared hub motor.  A direct drive hub motor uses magnets and has a slight drag when pedaling. However, a direct drive motor lasts much longer. A geared hub motor is quieter, has no drag when pedaling, and is usually lighter weight than a direct drive motor. 

A mid-drive motor is mounted near the crankset and engages the chain. That allows you to use the motor with different gears, have pedal assist, and highest performance, but puts a lot of stress on the chain. 

Here are my two adult recumbent trikes which I converted to e-trikes myself.   Note the seating height difference between the blue Delta trike and the yellow tadpole trike. 

Below is my yellow tadpole trike which is for sale now for $700 plus shipping.   It is a Terratrike Tour II model  from  https://www.terratrike.com .  I purchased this e-bike conversion kit from e-Bike Kit Conversion Kit at  https://www.ebikekit.com

Please contact me for more information if you are interested. 

In conclusion, this has been an introduction to the wonderful world of adult tricycles. Adult trikes are a solution for bicycle riders who have developed some balance issues as they get older, and need or want a safer alternative. Adult trikes allow many riders to continue to have the fun and exercise they enjoy. Many adult tricycle enthusiasts ride trikes just for fun or for sport. With the many options available for adult tricycles, it’s all a matter of choice.  

Have FUN  !!!